Monday, October 6, 2014

Tanner 5 Months Old

Tanner is five month old.  I love his cute smile.  Luckily he stays pretty happy.  I just have to keep him well fed, clean diaper and enough sleep.  It's that simple.  When one of those elements is off, he's not happy.  He still likes to chew on his fingers.  I'm so happy I captured him chewing on his finger.  He loves his older brothers.  I try to make him laugh but Bridger and Chase are the best at it.  They do the silliest things and Tanner will laugh and laugh at them.  He holds his bottle and can put it in his mouth now. He would try to hold his bottle but it would be too heavy.  But now he holds it the whole feeding time unless he's too sleepy.  He also loves Sophie.  If he hears her collar, he'll look to see where she is.  He tries to reach out and touch her when she walks past him.  He's really good about Sophie's kisses.  When she licks him he just puckers up or laughs depending on his mood.

Tanner's had enough pictures!!!

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