Sunday, September 28, 2014

Primary Program

The boys had their primary program today.  Grandma and Grandpa R and Grandpa and Grandma A came down for it.  The theme this year was "Families are Forever."  The boys did a great job with their parts.  Chase said "We remember and worship our Savior, Jesus Christ.  When I remember Jesus, I remember to choose the right."  Bridger said "I prepared for baptism by praying that I may know the truth."   The songs were beautiful!  They did such a great job!  This was Chase's last primary program because he will be graduated from primary next year.  We were so lucky to have our parents come to the program.  Grandma and Grandpa A couldn't stay for dinner because they had a mandatory temple meeting to go but at least they came to the program.

After sacrament meeting, we came back to the house to visit with everyone.  The boys were making Tanner do his belly laugh.  Everyone thought it was so funny!!!

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