Saturday, September 6, 2014

Soccer Game with the R's

We carried on the tradition and gave Dad and Marilyn tickets to the Real game for their birthdays.  The W's and C's came along too.  It's fun to see how the family has grown over the years.  Everyone loves going to the soccer game.  I love to see Dad wearing his Real jersey!!!  He's grown into quite a fan over the years.  We continued the tradition of eating at Crown Burger before the game.  Chase had a soccer game before.  The game was delayed by almost an hour so we were really rushing to get there on time.  Dad ordered our food for us so we didn't have to wait in line.  Right as we got there, our food was done so it worked out perfectly.  When we got to the stadium, we noticed some really dark clouds to the south.  As the night went on, the clouds got closer and darker.  I thought we were going to get drench!! But it only sprinkled on us for a few minutes, then it was done.  We lucked out!!!

We got two rows of 7 seats so it was nice to still be by each other.  Maddy sat by us with her family behind her.  Mom and Dad were by us with the C's and Marilyn behind us by the W's.  Everyone loved the game!!!  Real ended up winning the game so that made it extra fun!  At half time, Dad and Matt went with the boys to get some treats.

Mom was so sweet to help with Tanner.  Right as we sat down, Tanner had a blow out.  I opened my diaper bag and realized I only had one diaper left!  So luckily Shantelle was our backup.  Luckily I had another outfit in the bag but it wasn't a very warm one.  But it was better than a poopy outfit.  Bridger came with me to change Tanner.  While we were walking around the stadium trying to find a changing table, Bridger saw the king's chair.  He really wanted his picture in it.  I love his big smile!

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