Monday, December 30, 2019

Chase’s J D Tournament
Back in November, Tiff and I decided to get a hotel for one night during the J D basketball tournament.  But then Chase injured his thumb and couldn't play.  I contemplated not going but then I decided we needed a little break during the holidays.  We had so much fun!  We went down Monday later afternoon.  Shantelle and her family met us at the hotel.  The kids went swimming for two hours.  They had so much fun!  The we went out to dinner at a hamburger place.  I love spending time with Shantelle and her family.  Even though I know we're supposed to be in T.  My heart is still sad that we don't live by each other.  I miss her so much.  But tonight was really good to spend some time with them!  The kids get along so well!  We met up with Tiff back at the hotel room around 10:00.  It was fun to share a room with her and Thomas.  Matt and Layne had to work so it worked out perfectly for us to share a room.  The next day we woke up and spent the day at games.  My heart was sad for Chase that he's not playing but hopefully he'll be back out there sooner rather than later.

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