Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tanner knows his letters

Tanner passed off all of his alphabet letters and sounds. He’s worked really hard to learn his letters. His computer preschool really helped! Jess showed me a couple of fun games that I bought to help him learn his letters.
I love this picture that Tanner drew of himself. I love his spikey hair.
Waking up at 7:00 has been a little rough on Tanner.  Some mornings he’s so tired. This morning I took a picture of him because he was SO tired. When I took the picture he made a big smile. So then I had to sneak a picture of how tired he really was. Tanner catches the bus at 7:35.  I’ve been trying really hard to get Tanner to bed by 8:00 but sometimes it’s later because of his older brothers’ schedules.

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