Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve

It was our year to celebrate Christmas Eve with the R's since we had Thanksgiving with the A's.  Everyone met at mom's around 3:00.  Mom and Marilyn put together a big feast of Turkey and cheesy potatoes.  Mylissa, Shan and I brought a jello or green salad.  The kids were so excited to get together.  We ate yummy food then exchanged presents.  Matt is first call tomorrow so we're going to stay home with Matt.  We gave mom a pink shirt and black cardigan to go with it.  I was struggling with what to get Dad and then the idea came to me to get him Bogs.  He seemed very surprised by them.  I hope he uses them.  Dad wanted us to be a part of the gift that he gave mom.  He brought out a beautiful painting of the widow's mite.  Dad was so tender as he gave this painting to mom.  It was very sweet.  
We ended the night with advent.  It's been such a busy Christmas season that we've only done advent one other time.  I was so happy to do advent with all of us.  It's always so special.
Mom and Dad gave the boys hoodies for Christmas.
Julie and Aliyah were disappointed that we didn't sing the 12 Days of Christmas last year.  So mom made sure to pull out the song and sing it all together.  The kids loved it!

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