Monday, December 23, 2019

Bridger’s Basketball Party
We offered our house to Bridger's basketball coach, Coach D M to have any party here.  I was hoping it would be after Christmas but he asked if we could do it before.  Of course I said yes.  We invited his team to our house for pizza, basketball and video games.  Since the majority of his team is from L we didn't know how many people would be able to make it.  Parents were awesome and made it so everyone showed up to the party.  The boys are an awesome group of young men!  Coach M is a young 22 year old coach but he is very wise.  He makes the boys work so hard but he also helps them see the bigger picture with life.  He encourages them to make goals and believe in themselves.  After dinner, Coach gave the boys an inspiring pep talk about choices and setting high goals.  Everyone had a great time.  We're so lucky to be on this team.  We love these boys!
We invited Kolton's younger brother Carson to come to the party so Tanner would have a friend too.  

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