Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year
Happy New Years!  This year's celebration was a little anti climatic.  We got Chinese food. Chase came home from the tournament was exhausted.  He didn't sleep well in his hotel and he felt like he was getting sick.  So he didn't want to do anything.  Originally he said he wanted to go to bed by 9:00 but then he and Bridger stayed up playing video games together.  Matt and I watched a movie.  At 11:50 we went outside and tried to light a candle lantern that I've had for five years.  But it was too windy so it didn't work.  Tanner was freaking out that our house was going to catch on fire.  It wasn't the magical moment I had pictured in my mind.  The scene from Tangled was much better.  Then we came inside and wished each other Happy New Year!  We poured our bubbly and said cheers.  Then we went to bed.  I'm ok with boring.  I didn't have it in me to put on a happy face tonight.  
Happy New Year

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