Friday, January 31, 2020

Special letter from Mrs. P
Bridger received a really special letter from Mrs. P.  She said the kindest things about Bridger. I cried while I read it. He is such a special young man! I told Bridger that I’m so lucky to be his mom! He has this inner compass that guides him. He listens to the Holy Ghost. He truly strives to be better. He made a goal to listen to the Book of Mormon by the end of last year. He met that goal. Then he decided to listen to every conference talk since he was born!! So that’s the latest spiritual goal he’s working on. I had nothing to do with it. I’ve noticed since he’s started these goals, Bridger has had this positive vibe about him. He’s had a better attitude. He’s been so much better about not teasing Tanner. It’s brought a wonderful feeling into our home. I love this amazing young man! 

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