Thursday, April 26, 2018

Visting the Farm with Shan and the girls

I had to come down to AF for my one month post surgery appointment with my doctor.  She was so helpful!  The last couple of weeks I have been really miserable.  She thinks that I have a bladder infection that's turned into a kidney infection.  It's making my muscles be in a constant spasm.  She's given me some meds that will hopefully make me feel better.  While I was down there, Shantelle and I planned to do something fun.  I loaded up on pain medication and we went to T P farm for a couple of hours.  Shan pulled Aliyah out of school so she could be a part of the fun.  Tanner was so excited to hang out with his cousins.  We went on the wagon ride.  

I love spending time with Shan.  I have missed living by her.  It was so refreshing to spending some time with Shantelle.  She's therapy for the soul.  It was one of our first warm days of spring so the heat was really getting to us. That's why the kids have such red cheeks.

The kids' favorite thing to do at the farm was feed the goats and ride the horses.

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