Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter

Tanner had a little Easter party in preschool.  They had an egg hunt and made baskets and bunny ears.   He makes a pretty cute Easter Bunny.  

The Easter bunny found us and left some candy around the house for the boys.  It also left a little present for each boy.  Bridger and Tanner got playmobil snow sets and Chase got a new t-shirt.

Chase's favorite candy from the Easter bunny were the caramel Cadbury eggs.  I left the candy out on the couch and Tanner ate three of the big Cadbury eggs.  So after that I ha to hide the candy from him.

Tanner was shopping with me at Costco a couple of weeks ago.  We saw this shark kite and he wanted it so bad.  So I caved and told him we could get it for Easter.  He was so happy!!!

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