Friday, March 30, 2018

Bridger Student Council & Song Program

Bridger has enjoyed being on student council.  Every Wednesday morning he goes an hour early for their meeting.  He's in charge of certain activities during recess like "fuel up" where they play games or sometimes they have to monitor the hall and recess.  His last project was to make a poster on "perseverance" to display in the halls.  Bridger is on the bottom row, second picture on the right hand side.

Bridger and Wylee
On Friday, the 5th graders had their Utah history music program.  Mom stayed till Friday to take care of me and so she could see Bridger's program.  Matt was off too so he came and Tanner came too.   I didn't know if I would be able to go to his program but I timed my pain medicine right before the program and I brought a pillow to sit on.  The program was about an hour.  I'm so glad I went to the program!  Bridger knew all of the songs so well.  He sang his heart out!

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