Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Chase's 15th Birthday

We celebrated his birthday on Saturday before his birthday.  We went to see the movie "Black Panther.  After the movie, we went to dinner at Maddox. I came home from the hospital from having my hysterectomy on Chase's birthday.  (I had the surgery on Monday).  I was worried that it would put a damper on Chase's birthday but he was so sweet about it.   I made his cake during the weekend before my surgery.  He wanted an Oreo ice cream cake.  Grandma R stayed over for a few days to help me.  She asked Chase what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he requested a spaghetti dinner.  She made a fabulous dinner for Chase.  Chase opened his presents after dinner.  He was really excited when he opened a nice, expensive basketball.  He got some sunglasses and some exercise clothes and a swimming suit.   Bridger gave Chase a new "draw string" bag.   Tanner gave Chase a tied dyed t-shirt.

Tanner loved Chase's ice cream cake.  He licked the plate when it was all gone.

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