Saturday, April 21, 2018

J Temple Open House

I felt like it was really important to go to the J River Temple Open House.  Luckily, I was able to get tickets on a Saturday during the time that we needed.  We were able to squeeze it in before we had to be back in Logan by 5:00.  We left our house by 9:30 so we could be to the temple at 11:00.  I got enough tickets for Mom, Dad, and Marilyn to come with us.  I'm so glad they did.  We enjoyed being together.  Mom saved us lots of time because we pushed her around in a wheelchair.  Her back is so bad that it's hard for her to stand for more than a few minutes.  The temple was beautiful!  I'm so glad the boys were able to see it.  Afterwards, we went out to a late lunch at JCW's.  Then we hurried back to get Bridger to his soccer game.  

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