Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hazel's Baby Blessing

While we were in Chicago, we missed Hazel's blessing.  I felt really bad about it.  Mom was watching Bridger and Tanner so she brought them to the blessing.  Then Chase was on is way home from his football tournament so the J's woke up early on Sunday and dropped him off at Shan's at 8:30.  (9:00 church is hard sometimes). Everyone said that Robby did a beautiful job on the blessing.  Hazel wore the same dress that the other two girls wore.  Shan was worried that Hazel would cry during the prayer but she was an angel and didn't make a peep.  Shan served a brunch after church.  Mom made several egg casseroles, there were muffins, fruit and donuts.  Shan said the day turned out really nice and was happy with how everything went.  

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