Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Crazy Tanner

While Tanner was at Grandma R's house when we were in Chicago, he loved playing with the marble ramp and the marbles.  So Mom said "why don't you take them home so Tanner can play with them because he loves them!"  (Our marble ramp is packed away some where.)  At first I thought that it was a great idea.  But the next morning as I was eating breakfast, Tanner dumped the whole bag of marbles out and then was "bouncing" the marbles on the tile.  I sent the picture to mom and told her that it wasn't a good idea after all.

Our first snowfall of the year!  When Tanner woke up he looked outside and said "It's snowing!"  He immediately wanted to go play outside in the snow.  I convinced him to eat breakfast first but then we bundled him up to play outside.  This little snow suit has been the best!  I couldn't find any gloves that fit him.  They were all too big.  But he still had fun playing in the snow.  It makes me a little sad to see him all alone with no siblings to play with (Chase and Bridger were at school).  Luckily he has Sophie to play with.  He would take a chunk of snow and then throw it at Sophie.  She would jump up and get it and Tanner thought that was the funniest thing ever!  He would laugh and laugh.  It was cracking me up as I watched him from inside.

We have these baskets that I keep some of Tanner's toys in.  He dumped out the toys and then climbed in one.  He had the biggest smile on his face.  He said "Mom!  Take a picture of me!"  I love this little guy! He finds joy in the simplest things.

When I got out of the shower, I found this mess.  Tanner had taken some rolls of ribbon and had unwound them and had strung them all through the house.  (Up and down the stairs)  He was so proud of himself.

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