Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day of School

Chase is starting 8th grade!!  He'll attend his first year at BR middle school.  The school only has 8th and 9th graders there.  He has 6 classes and then four of the days has "den time" to help them get caught up in any classes.  They have three trimesters.  He's happier this year because he's not the new kid and he has friends!!

I love how Bridger put his arm around Chase.  What good looking boys!  I make the boys give each other hugs before they go to school.  

Bridger is starting 4th grade at G elementary.  He has Mrs. J and is super excited.  We met her at back to school and she's super young but her class room look amazing.  I think she's going to be a great teacher.  Bridger is really excited because his  best friend, Canyn is in his class again.  Bridger loves orange.  Shantelle found this shirt for him and it has orange pants to match but it was too hot for pants so Bridger wore his orange shorts.  He looks so handsome!

Tanner is a little sad that his brothers are going to school and won't be home to play with him.  Chase and Bridger are such big helpers with Tanner.  I'm going to miss them too!  Tanner kept saying "I go to school too."  During the day he'll come up to me and say "Chasee at school? Bridger at school?"  It's so cute.  He's always super excited when they come home from school!

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