Thursday, August 25, 2016

Fair Week

Last year I really struggled during "Fair Week" because I didn't want to be up here and I felt totally out of place, and I didn't know anyone.  This year was a better experience.  We enjoyed the activities at the fair.  We went to the Rodeo one night.  It was fun running into friends from the ward and our neighborhood.  I loved seeing the boys with their friends.  Chase went over one night and rode the rides with his friends.  It made me realize how far I've come and I'm so grateful for the many friends I've been able to make!  Tanner loved the animals and couldn't get enough of them.  One of the times that we were looking at the goats, this big goat climbed up on the fence.  We couldn't believe how big he was so we wanted a picture with him.  I love picture because just as I was about to take the picture, the goat tried to bite Bridger's hat.  So the looks on their faces are priceless!!  I laugh every time I look at this picture.
Fun times at the rodeo.  At the end of the rodeo, there was a motorcycle stunt show that the boys loved!

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