Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tanner 17 Months

After Chase and Bridger go to school, Tanner and I go out back and play ball with Sophie.  Tanner has figured out how to throw the ball with the orange ball thrower.  He's so proud of himself when the ball actually comes out and Sophie fetches it.  It's cute because when we go out, he'll take the orange thrower and then give me the long green one.  He also likes to dunk the ball in Sophie's water.  You have to keep an eye on Tanner because if you're not watching, he'll dump her water over his head or down the front of him.  I love his little crocs that he's wearing.  They've been perfect for the summer. They're the same ones that Angie gave to Bridger as a baby.

His crocs are getting a little small and Tanner needed some new shoes for the fall.  I found these shoes at Kohls and thought they were so styling.  Tanner was so excited about them when I got them out of the box that he wanted to put them on right away.  I thought he looked so cute in his diaper with his new shoes.  As you can tell, he loves to hang out on the counter (which is very dangerous).  

Tanner loves to wear his new shoes.  He'll get them out of the closet and bring them to me and say "shoes!"

When I got out of the shower, this was the mess that was waiting for me!  Tanner had a blast taking out handfuls of q-tips and then throwing them up in the air.  What a fun game.  Unfortunately he didn't think that it was very fun to pick up.  I felt like I was playing pick up sticks.
Shantelle was telling me that Robby will come home from work and say something about his co-workers.  So Shantelle started calling Lilly and Aliyah her "co-workers."  I loved the idea so one morning Tanner was obviously not very happy so I sent Matt this picture and said "my co-worker isn't very happy."  I thought it was pretty funny.  

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