Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Playing In Our New Back Yard

Tanner loves to play outside.  He likes to hold onto the smaller ball thrower and pre tent like he's throwing the ball for Sophie.  He's trying to figure out how to jump on the trampoline.  He looks a little shocked when Sophie jumps up on the trampoline with him.  Im so grateful we have such a great backyard!!  July 9th

Tanner has figured out how to climb up and then go down his little slide.  He loves to climb on his little jungle gym and go down the slide.
The boys are so sweet to play with Tanner outside.  They take him down the big slide and swing with him.  Tanner is getting braver and learning how to go down the big slide with a little bit of help.  Before long he'll be climbing up the ladder and going down all by himself.

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