Friday, August 21, 2015

Happy 38th Birthday Rachael

For my birthday, I went down to Myissa and dropped Chase and Bridger off at their house to play with her kids.  Then Mylissa and I headed over to F. S. to meet Mom, Marilyn and Shan.  We had such a fun time!  We ate lunch at a yummy hamburger place and then hit a few shops.  The time went way to quickly!!!  Shan had to leave at 2:30 to pick up Aliyah.  We went back to Mylissa's house because she made me my favorite cake, yellow cake with chocolate chips!!  Dad came down and joined the fun.  The kids had so much fun playing together.  When we got ready to leave, the boys said that they never went swimming so we stayed an extra hour.  The water was super cold but they were crazy and still played in the water for a little bit.  We finally left around 6:00.  We met Matt in BC at Costa Vida for dinner.  It was a great day!!!

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