Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Walk

 Sweet Grandpa and Granda A came down to see the boy's pumpkins at the school's Pumpkin walk.  It had been raining most of the day but luckily it stopped when we walked through.  But it was still really cold.  The boys have been so excited to show us their pumpkins.  Bridger told me that "they didn't have skin colored paint so he had to color his face pink and then they didn't have orange so his hair had to be red."  I still loved it.  Chase did a long mustache on his pumpkin.  They looked great!!!

 The boys love eating donuts and hot chocolate at the pumpkin walk.  It's turned into a tradition.  Bridger's friend Brody came with us.  The boys were very impressed with 956 pound pumpkin.  You can tell from the pictures that the boys were freezing.  We're were rushing out the door so I forgot to bring jackets for the boys.

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