Friday, April 5, 2019

Four Wheel Fun

Because of General Conference being held during the weekend of our spring break, it didn't work out for us to go to Kaye's cabin because her family was going to be there during conference.  Because Shantelle had the whole week off, she went up the Friday before when school got out.  Mom, Dad and Marilyn came up and joined her for most of the time.  It made us really sad that we couldn't go up and spend some time with them.  Chase couldn't miss soccer practice so that was another reason why we couldn't go up.  We made the most of being home.  We really enjoyed our visit with Chelsy and Calvin!!!  We enjoyed our family time together.  On Friday, the boys and I took out the four wheelers for a ride.  We live in the best area!  We love the open space and beautiful scenery. We've loved having mom and dad's four wheelers at our house!

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