Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Chase is Official

Chase had a hard time getting his driving hours because of soccer practice after school.  He had to do some in the morning at 6:00 but his nice teacher pounded out most of his hours during spring break.  Chase couldn't go after school to get his license because of soccer practice and games.  The only way he could get his license was if I checked him out of school.  So that's exactly what we did.  I checked him out during seminary and took him to get his license.  It was lucky split because he had already taken the test and had all of the paper work.  He's official!  He can legally drive now.  

I went to take a picture of Chase and Tanner jumped in.  He always wants to be apart of things.  I love the picture of Chase and Tanner.  Tanner is my little buddy that comes every where with me.  It's weird to think in 10 years Tanner will be getting his permit.  That seems so far away!  Afterwards, I took Chase and Tanner out to lunch.  We went and grabbed a bite to eat at Old Grist Mill.

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