Monday, August 20, 2018

Sleeping on the Tramp

Matt finished getting the trampoline all set up in the ground.  It's been a big project!  After the hole was dug, he leveled it out, then installed the walls and then put the frame in.  Then he brought in some gravel to settle the ground.  On Saturday, Bridger asked if we could put the trampoline back together so the two of them put the springs and the pad all together.  Tanner and Bridger were so excited to finally sleep out on the trampoline.  I was a little worried about them but they snuggled next to each other and stayed warm.  Bridger taught Tanner about the sun and how the earth rotates around the sun.  They saw lots of shooting starts and satellites.  During the night, Tanner slid to the bottom of his sleeping bag and was crying. Luckily Bridger heard him and pulled him up to the top and got him settled.  They had so much fun sleeping on the trampoline that they slept out there two more times.  They got a little cold the first time, so we zipped their sleeping bags together so they could snuggle easier.  They were toasty warm after that.  Bridger is so sweet to do things with Tanner.

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