Sunday, August 12, 2018

Bridger at the Temple

 Bridger has been counting down the years until he could go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead.  He got his temple recommend with the Bishop on Sunday.  Luckily Matt's schedule worked out for us to take Bridger on Tuesday night.  The B temple is closed for cleaning so we went to the L temple.  We've never been to the baptismal area in that temple.  Matt pulled out a stack of names that Chase did a couple of years ago.  We thought Chase had done all the baptisms but as he went through the stack, he found exactly five cards that still needed to get baptized.  I called the temple and normally they only do reservations in the evening but the lady said she'd squeeze Bridger in.  We were at the temple at 7:00.  A big group was just finishing up.  When we checked Bridger in, the main worker asked Bridger how long he's been a deacon for.  Bridger smiled and said "two days."  He was so sweet with Bridger and took him over to the font window and talked through where you put your hands and how to bend your knees.  They let me come into the font area and give Matt and Bridger their towels.  It was so sweet to watch Matt baptize Bridger.  When we walked out, Bridger said "that was awesome! When can I go again?"  I hope Bridger can develop a love for the temple.  I'm grateful for the love and peace that I feel when I'm at the temple.

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