Saturday, July 7, 2018

Snowbasin with the A's

For Father's Day, Mike and Amy gave Ardell and Charlene tickets to Snowbasin to ride the gondola and ski lift.  They invited us to come.  Jake, Jess and Ella came at the last minute.  We decided to leave the kids at home and just enjoy the afternoon together.  Riding up the gondola and ski lift were beautiful. There were yellow wild flowers in bloom.  The cooler temperature up on top were so refreshing.  We ate lunch at the top of the gondola at the lodge.  The food was delicious!!  I had a hamburger that had caramelized onions with Bree cheese and bacon on it.  I've never eaten a burger that tasted so good!  Ardell and Charlene loved the experience!  It was a little hard getting them off and on the ski lifts but they took it slow and did great.

It was so fun to have Jake, Jess and Ella join us.  They are so fun to be around and Ella kept us laughing all afternoon.
I think this is such a great picture of Charlene, Mike and Ardell.  I love how I captured them laughing.

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