Saturday, July 7, 2018

Our New Neighbor is Getting Big

Our new neighbor, Tilly is getting so big!  She's two months old.   Just a few weeks ago, she would only drink from her mom but now she's eating grass and loves it.  They shaved off her baby fur because it's really hot for her.  Her mane is still really soft.  She loves for us to pet her.  Lisa is training her to wear a harness and she doesn't like it. She loves us to scratch under it.  She's become very friendly!  We like to go over and visit at least once a week.  We bring the horses carrots or apples.  Lisa is so sweet to let us go into her barn and make ourselves at home.

On our way back home, I captured this picture of the sun setting in the background.  I think Matt and Tanner look so cute in their boots.  Of course Sophie is in the picture waiting for me to throw her ball.  

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