Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

The night before Valentine's Day right before scouts at 7:00, Bridger said "oh yeah, I need to make a Valentine's box."  I was a little frustrated.  I quickly ran to the store and bought some black spray paint.  We pulled out a shoe box and Bridger sprayed the box.  During the night, the box dried and I found the Utah Jazz print off.  Luckily Bridger wanted to do the same basketball box as last year but just with the updated Jazz colors.  The Jazz got a new floor because of their new colors.  I was able to find a picture of their new floor.  The next morning before school, Bridger taped it all together.  He was happy with how it turned out.  I had asked Bridger a couple of weeks ago what kind of Valentines he wanted to do.  He said he wanted to do the straw valentines.  So I ordered the silly straws and cut out the valentines.  They're really easy to do.

Tanner's class had a Valentine's party too.  They made their bags in class.  Tanner filled out this paper "What do I love..."  I didn't think it was very funny when it said "I love it when my mom watches tv" and "I really love to watch tv."  I felt like a loser mom!  Matt thought it was really funny!

We had a super busy day so we weren't able to open up presents until late that night when Chase came home from the basketball game.  Mom would always do a little something for us so I like to have a little something for the boys.  Tanner got a "Stars Wars View Finder."  Chase and Bridger got "Stanz" socks. Matt bought the movie "Guardian of the Galaxy" for the boys.  

Matt bought me "Wonder" but the funny thing was that I bought "Wonder" for Matt too.

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