Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bridger's Winter Art

When I went to parent teacher conferences with Bridger, he showed me his latest art project.  He colored and painted his version of Van Gough's Stary Night."  I think he did such a great job on this art project.  When I went to take of picture of Bridger showing me his picture, Tanner jumped in and wanted to be in the picture too.  Bridger's parent teacher conference with Mrs. H was wonderful.  He's doing so well academically.  He's above average in everything.  Mrs. H praised him for doing so well academically but then she said that more importantly, Bridger is kind to everyone.  Even though he's very smart, he is very humble about it and is always willing to help others.  She's very impressed with how kind Bridger is.  I was so proud of Bridger because that's what is important in life!

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