Tuesday, September 12, 2017


We designed our railing.  At first we were going to have just have a plain railing on the back deck.  But then we added a few knuckles.  We chose to coat it with a silver and black coating.  Brandon said that he'd only done one other railing like that and was worried it wouldn't look good.  He wanted us to do plain black but I was worried it would show the dirt more.  So we stuck to our guns and went with the silver color.  We're so happy with how it turned out.  There was a delay in our railing.  We were hoping it would arrive on time for the inspection on Monday but it didn't.  Chris was worried that it wouldn't arrive until the following week so we were really disappointed.  But on Tuesday morning when I went over to the house to clean, Brandon was out back installing the railing!!  It was the happiest site!  There was a little misundertanding between Matt and Brandon.  He thought that we didn't want a railing going down to the lower patio.  He said that it would take two weeks to get that railing done.  We were so disappointed because now we would definitely fail our inspection tomorrow.  By the grace of God, the inspector just looked out at the patio and saw the deck railing and assumed that all of the railing was installed.  So he passed us!!

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