Saturday, September 23, 2017

MW retreat

Matt had a UANA retreat in Midway and families were invited.  It the weekend right after we started moving into our house.  I was not excited about going because I just wanted to stay home and unpack.  But we ended up having a great time.  It was nice to take a break from the house chaos. The kids loved swimming. It was 30 degrees outside but their outdoor pool was still opened.  So Bridger took the challenge and swam in the outdoor pool.  He swam two laps and then ran to the indoor hot tub.

The UANA paid for the hotel and dinner that night and lunch the next day for all of us.  We enjoyed our family time.  Especially the swimming time! Tanner is getting very brave in the water and loves to jump in.  Thank goodness for those chest life jackets.

After dinner when we were walking back to our room, we walked past this frog statue.  Tanner sat down and said "take a picture of me!"  It cracked me up!

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