Sunday, July 16, 2017

Handsome Boys

This is an outfit that Chase wore when he was three years old.  He wore it in a picture when Bridger was just a baby.  We used the picture for Bridger's birth announcement.  So every time Tanner wears this outfit, I think of little Chase with a huge smile holding his new baby brother.  

Sometimes I feel like I don't document life enough so I told the boys that I wanted to get a picture of them in their church clothes on Sunday.  I want to freeze time and soak it up better.  Life is passing way too quickly.  I love to see how tall Chase and Bridger are getting.  They're all legs.  Tanner is not my baby anymore.  He's my big boy who thinks he can do anything that his big brothers do.  I love these boys.  They mean everything to me!!!

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