Monday, July 10, 2017

Chase EFY

I didn't give Chase a choice and signed him up for EFY.  He chose to go to Utah State.  When we signed up Chase, Easton didn't know his schedule.  Chase said he was willing to go alone which I was so proud of him!!!  But then the week before Chase was scheduled to go to EFY, Easton's schedule freed up because of a strange illness which made it so he couldn't play baseball for a couple of weeks.  Luckily Kim had some connections and got him into Chase's EFY session.  Chase was ecstatic!!!  Easton came up on Saturday and was able to spend a couple of days with us before EFY.  We had a great visit with Kim when she dropped him off.  When I went to drop them off, Easton was registered for the same building, and same floor.  His room was about 5 rooms away from Chase which was perfect!!!  They weren't in the same group but they were able to see each other during their free time. Tanner had to come with me to drop off the boys.  So when I went to get a picture, Tanner wanted to be in it.  He thinks he's just one of the boys sometimes.  Easton is so good with Tanner.  

Chase had a great time at EFY.  He loved his group and counselor.  He had a great attitude and really enjoyed the week.  He even danced at the dances! He and Easton are already talking about going to EFY  next year at BYU.  I sure hope so!

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