Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Busy Tanner!!!

Tanner has discovered a new toy....Sophie's bowl!!! He loves to pick it up and then drop it on the tile floor.  I think he likes the sound of it because he'll do it over and over again.  He's also discovered her food and he likes dog food.  YUCK!!!  He'll sneak in while Sophie is eating and grab a handful in each hand and then eat it.  It totally grosses me out!  He won't eat a piece of bread but he'll eat dog food.  I don't get this kid!  April 13, 2015

Tanner discovered the q-tips under my sink and what a fun toy they've turned out to be. I feel like I get to play "pick up sticks" every time I get ready.  He loves to play with my hair brush too.  

Tanner is a very busy boy....I have a hard time keeping up with him.  He's discovered drawers and he loves to open them and dump everything out.  I've kept some utensils that I don't use very often in one of the bottom drawers and he loves to pull out everything and then walk around with the big long wooden spoon.  One time he accidentally hit himself with the spoon and it left a big bruise on his forehead.  It's a good thing he's so darn cute when he's getting into trouble.  He also loves to help load and unload the dishwasher.  He's figured out how to put himself up so he can sit on the dishwasher door.  I have a picture of Chase and Bridger doing the exact same thing so I had to capture the moment because they look so much alike.

The other day I was doing laundry when I heard Tanner banging on something.  I came into the bathroom and he had figured out how to crawl into the bathtub all by himself.  He was sitting in the bathtub playing with his bath toys just happy as can be.  April 23, 2015

 Tanner was my easiest baby to learn the stairs.  He does a great job crawling up them and then he knows he has to "turn around" when he goes down them.  He thinks he's such a big boy now that he can go up and down them. It makes life much easier without a baby gate.  April 23, 2015

 I took Tanner grocery shopping the other day and left him in his car seat.  I looked at his little legs hanging off and he just looked so cramped in his car seat.  So I pulled out his new big boy car seat and he likes it much better. ( I bought it several months ago with a 20% off coupon and some baby gift cards).  It can go forward or rear facing and has 6 different reclining positions and transitions over to a booster seat.  It even has two cup holders!!  I took a picture of Tanner sitting in the grocery cart at Costco because it's the first time he's sat in the cart and not in his car seat.  He was so happy.  He got very excited when I put the box of Cheerios in the cart.  He kept patting the box and smiling.  It was so cute! April 28, 2015

Tanner's new car seat!!!  I switched him over in May to his new car seat.  He loves it!!  I think he likes facing forward.  The seat has 6 reclining positions and it's very easy to adjust the straps.  Eventually it will convert to a booster seat so this will be his last car seat.  I'm super happy with his new seat.

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