Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bridger Story Telling Festival

So Bridger really wanted to participate in the Storytelling Festival.  I was a little overwhelmed with selling our house so I didn't push Bridger to participate.  Bridger came home from school one day and said that he found the perfect book during library to use for the festival.  He chose the book "How to Train a Train."  Little by little Bridger memorized the whole book!!!  It's a darling story.  He had to perform in front of his class during their library time.  Tanner and I came to watch him.  Mrs. Macalister chose Bridger to advance to the judges.  Grandma, Grandpa and Mares came down to watch Bridger.  He took this very seriously because he wanted to wear his black suit.  He did such a great job!!!  There were two little girls sitting on the front row that were brats because they kept talking during his story.  But Bridger just focused on his story and ignored them and did a great job!!!  I wanted to pop them on their heads.

Unfortunately Bridger wasn't selected to advance to the district level.  But I still thought he was amazing for making it this far and for memorizing a whole book!!!!  He his an incredible memory.  I love how determined Bridger is!  Great job Bridger!!!

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