Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chase's Battle of the Bands

In one of Chase's rotation classes, they were learning about musical instruments. At the end of the unit, the teacher held a "Battle of the Bands" competition.  It was a lip-sync competition but the kids had to use (pretend) instruments that they learned about.  Chase brought our little piano that he's had since he was two and then a Wii Rock Band guitar and drum set.  Chase's group consisted of Joe T (guitar), Carson C., Brenden B (drums) and Chase (piano).  Carson really wanted to be the lead "singer" which was fine because the other boys don't like being in the spot light.  They performed the song "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.  They took this assignment very seriously because they practiced several times during the week to prepare for their big performance.  They wanted to wear matching black suits with white ties.  I had to work the day of the performance but the moms sent me the video. They rocked it!!!  I was busting up as I watched the video.  They won "Best Crowd Participation."  

What a fun bunch of boys!!!!!

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