Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

For Valentine's day the boys got new super heroes for Disney Infinity.  Chase got Nick Fury and Bridger got the Green Arrow.  Chase made his Valentine's box at school but Bridger had to make one at home.  After looking online, I came up with a few ideas for Bridger.  I showed him the ideas and he chose the monster truck one.  Luckily that was a very easy one.  Bridger did all the painting and then we made the hills.  It was a little tricky sticking the trucks on but we made it work with some hot glue.  His box turned out awesome.  Bridger told me that he wants to keep his box forever!!!

I found this Valentine's card and had to give it to Matt.  The girl is "artsy" and the guy is "fartsy".  On the inside it said "we go together perfectly"  He laughed pretty hard.  The boys thought it was so funny!!!!

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