Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

The Saturday before Easter, we went to Grandpa and Grandma R's house for an Easter party.  They had a ton of eggs for the kids to find.  We had a yummy ham and cheesy potato dinner.  Everyone had a fun time!

The Easter bunny brought us a couple of surprises.  He brought us lots of candy, pi's for the boys and Despicable Me shirts for the boys and Matt.  After Bridger opened his presents he said "I wish the Easter Bunny would have brought me toys."  I told him he was lucky the Easter bunny brought him anything.  After church, we went up to the Adams for a yummy dinner.  Angie was in town for a quick visit so it was fun to spend some time with her.  The weather was beautiful so the boys played non-stop in the back yard playing baseball with Mike, Jake, Austin, Jordan, and Ashtyn.  It was a great night!

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