Thursday, April 10, 2014

Going to the Zoo

During spring break, we went to the zoo.  Mylissa's kids weren't on the same break as us but she pulled them out of school for the afternoon so they could come with us.  We had such a fun time at the zoo.  When we pulled into the parking lot, we were having regrets that we came because it was packed!!!  Mom and Marilyn brought lunch stuff for everyone.  We hauled it all in and had a wonderful picnic.  Mylissa and the kids showed up during lunch.  Around 2:00, people started clearing out and it wasn't so crowded.  We ended up having a great time!!!  The kids loved watching all the animals.  They had so much fun just being together.

We loved the bear exhibit.  We stayed a long time watching the seals swims.  They've made such great improvements.

Bridger was cracking me up.  He was on a kick that he wanted to have me take his picture "all by himself!"  He would walk past something and say "Mom! Take my picture!"  So we got lots of awesome pictures!!

I love this picture of mom with the grandkids!!!  I love her big smile.  I feel bad we didn't get Marilyn in any pictures.  Mom sure loves her grandkids!!!

We had to get an updated picture of all the kids with the gorilla arms.  Every time we go to the zoo, we had to get a picture of the kids measuring their arms with the gorilla arms.  It's fun to see how much they've grown.  The first time we came to the zoo, Maddy was 5 and Chase was 4.  

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