Thursday, August 15, 2013

Swimming Lessons

 The boys tried out for the swim team in May.  Chase made the team but Bridger wasn't quite ready with all four strokes.  But it worked out to be a big blessing because we were gone for most of the summer.  We've had so much fun playing!!!  But I still wanted them to have a little time in the pool so  I signed them up for a two week, 8 lessons at the rec center.  Chase was in the highest level.  He did level 6, which was a fitness class.  It was awesome because there was only one other girl in the class so it was basically a private lesson.  He's a fantastic swimmer!!!!  I'm amazed with his strength!
For the last couple of months, Bridger has been taking swim lessons with my friend Jenn.  She's a wonderful coach and it's been awesome to see Bridger make huge improvements.  He couldn't do any side breathing when he started and by the end, he could do freestyle and the back stroke fro 50 meters!!!  He is such a determined little guy!  She recommended putting him in a level 4.  He was the youngest in his class and it was a challenge for him but Jenn and I agreed that the level 3 would have been too easy.  He had such a positive attitude!  Everyday he would try so hard to keep up with the big kids.  He did a great job!!!!

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