Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chase's First Overnight Scout Camp

Chase was so excited to go on his first overnight scouting campout.  Dad's were required to come so Matt got to go too.  He could barely hide his enthusiasm.  Matt and Chase headed up to the camp around 4:00 on Friday night.  They stopped by Subway and grabbed some dinner.  They set up their tent at camp Jeremiah Johnson.  Chase was able to earn three weblos requirements.  A few of his friends came too, Easton, Sam C. and Brenden.  They had a great time!  Before they left, I told Matt to take some pictures because I was so excited for Chase to have his first scouting campout.  On the way home, Matt remembered that he didn't take any pictures so he had Chase jump out of the car and quickly take one picture in front of the camp sign.  It made me laugh!!!!

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