Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Early Birthday Matt!

 Matt has been asking for awhile and finally got a new laptop for his birthday.  Mylissa found a really good deal online so we just copied her.  I love it how she researches everything and then I just copy her research.  It makes it really easy for us.  Matt got the mac book pro.  He stuck with Mac because he is a die hard mac lover.  He ordered it before our cruise and was hoping that it would come before.  It arrived a few days before we left.  I was tempted to hide it and save it for his birthday.  But then he was getting all worried that it was lost in the mail so I had to give it to him early.  It worked out better that way because he was able to set it up and use it on our trip.  He is very happy with his new laptop.  Look at that BIG smile! Happy early birthday Matt.

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