Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chase's Family Birthday Party

Even though Chase had a "friend" birthday party, he still wanted to have a little "family" party.  He made me feel guilty that we would be traveling all day on his birthday.  So he talked us into going bowling to celebrate.  Grandpa and Grandma R came down and the C's came too.  We love to go bowling as a family!  We had a crazy time together!!!!

 After bowling, everyone was hungry so Chase chose JCW's for dinner.  That seems to be a family favorite.  I was taking pictures of the kids and then I handed my phone to Shan to take a picture of mom and dad and her and Robby.  I didn't look at the pictures afterwards.  A few days later Shan asked me if I had looked at the pictures.  So of course I pulled them up and saw the silly picture Shan took.  She always makes me laugh!!!!

Grandpa and Grandma R. gave Chase a really cool Lego Batman set.  Chase and Bridger are very lucky boys because both grandparents have given them some spending money for our trip.  They want to find soccer jerseys.  

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