Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chase's Friend Birthday Party

It was Chase's year to have a friend birthday party.  He chose to go to a fun place where they have lots of trampolines, and foam pits.  There was a rock wall, and a trapeze that you could fall into the foam pit.  There was basketball trampolines.  The boys had an hour and a half to play.  I was worried that it wasn't going to be enough time but they were worn out by the end of our time.  

 Chase has so many friends that it was hard to narrow the list down.  He ended up inviting 10 of his closest friends.  Most of their were from the neighborhood.  It was so much fun watching the boys be crazy!!!

After our jumping time, we went into the party room and had pizza.  (Matt ran and picked up some pizza while the kids were jumping.)  I made my favorite yellow cake on Sunday and Chase tried it and decided that he likes cake!  So of course Bridger tried it too and said "wow! this is really good!"  I know!!!  We've been trying to get you to eat cake for years.  So Chase requested that yellow cake for his party.  I can't believe that he's turning 10!  His friends gave him great gifts.  They totally spoiled him!  He was very happy because he got lots of sports stuff.

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