Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chase's Second Swim Meet

Grandpa and Grandma R, Marilyn, Maddy, Julie, Shantelle, and Aliyah came to watch Chase at his second swim meet.  Mylissa wanted to come but she is still so sick.  Grandpa, Marilyn and Shan took all the kids swimming.  Chase would jump out of the water and go and swim his event and then go back to playing with his cousins.  He swam the 25m butterfly and then the 25m freestyle.  He did GREAT!!! I'm so nervous watching him.  I'm amazed with his attitude and his wiliness to try.  He said that he gets nervous but he still jumps in and swims his little heart out!

Sweet Mom and Marilyn brought down food so we could eat dinner.  We didn't want to have to worry about going somewhere and then missing Chase's event.  So we brought our pop-up and sat in the shade and had a picnic.  I loved hanging out together.  The time went way to quickly!  

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