Sunday, May 22, 2011

Women of Steel

On Saturday May 21st, I participated in my first sprint triathlon of the season. I did Women of Steel last year and had a great experience. I love being surrounded by strong women who are challenging their bodies and trying their best. I love that I'm racing right through my neighborhood. For the past two years I have been taking a swimming class twice a week taught by Jenn M. Jenn is an amazing swimmer/coach. Jenn always gives us a killer workout but what I love the most is the friendship. I have come to love the women in my class. They have been a tremendous support to me. We've laughed and cried together. They've turned into my sisters. I love each one of them. My friends include: Sarah, Krista, Kim, Jenn, Beth, Lisa, and Pam.

I bought my bike a couple of years ago. It's a joke that if my house were on fire I would grab my family and my bike. It's my baby. I love my bike. As for the race, I was happy with my time. Last year I put very high expectations on me and then I was really upset when I didn't meet them. So this year I wanted to focus more on appreciating my body and enjoying the experience. I still had a goal in mind. I wanted to be less than 1h20m. So I was extremely happy when my final time came in at 1:16:49. I was disappointed with my swim time. A girl cut in front of me right at the last minute that said her time was 5:30. She lied! She was a lot slower and when I tried to pass her she would purposely move so I couldn't. By the last lap, I was fed up so I just swam past her and hit her a couple of times cause she wouldn't move over. In practice, my swim had been around 6:10 and I was hoping for around 6. But my final time came in at 6:46 (300m) bummer!!!! My T1 was 2:20, bike was 41:31 (12.5), T2 2:00, my run was 24:10 (3.10). My pace came in at 7:47!!!! I was ecstatic that I was under 8. I've never run that fast. So my time actually came in faster than last year. I placed 18 out of 164 for my age group (30-34), and overall 50 out of 740 ( top 7 percent). Yeah!!!!!

We have such a fun time being together. Pam's 42 and can still do the splits! That's impressive. Sarah is always getting us to take silly pictures.

It cracked me up to see healthy Sarah drinking a diet coke after the race. Some things you just can't give up.

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