Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bridger Playing Soccer

Bridger begged me to sign him up for soccer this spring. So he's on a little neighborhood team through the Rec center. His coach is Angie N. and her little girl, Faith is on the team. She is so sweet with the team. Brody, one of his best friends from school is on his team. Most of the kids are from the neighborhood. Bridger has scored 2 to 8 goals a game. When he starts to get a lot of goals, we encourage him to pass to his teammates and help them score a goal. He is so sweet about that. He is not intimidated by anyone. When I ask him about the bigger kids, he just says "I look at them and think I'm not scared of you." He does a great job of dribbling the ball. Chase has been a great coach to him. I think he's done so well because he's played a lot of soccer with Chase.

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