Saturday, May 7, 2011

Go Goldilocks!

Today I rode 100 miles in the women's only Goldilocks bike ride. Last year Mylissa and I did the 60 mile bike ride and it was a huge accomplishment for Mylissa. I loved spending the day biking with her. I was so proud of her and how hard she had to fight to finish the race. But this year Mylissa is pregnant so she can't do it. All of my biking friends were busy so I ended up doing it all by myself. Luckily half way through it I made a friend, Amy, and we stayed together till the end. When we stopped for lunch we saw some ladies that had made some really funny costumes showing off their "bums." It made me laugh! The weather turned out to be a little hot. My arms got sunburned during a bike ride on Thursday so they were really sore. I put sunblock on three times during the ride cause I didn't want them to get worse. But the weather was beautiful! I was a little worried about the ride because the longest ride I had done was only 40 miles. Overall I felt really strong. I got a little tired around 50-70 miles but I ate some of a peanut butter sandwich and felt more energized. My goal was to come in under 7 hours and I made it in 6.5 hours so I was happy with that. I loved having a day just to bike and appreciate what my body can do for me.

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