Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Chase's Senior Soccer Season

 Chase had his last basketball game on Friday and then went straight into the soccer season the next week. (March 8th).  He made the soccer team!  There were 6 seniors on the team:  Izzy, Gabe, Enoch, Keyjun, Josh and Chase.  Jesse E was the head coach.  It was a brutal season!  They lost every game!  Three games went into over time.  They just couldn't pull it off.  I was so proud of our boys for not giving up.  Chase played every game with all of his heart!  He fought so hard even when they were getting blown away.  I had a couple of parents comment on how even in the last three minutes when they're losing, Chase still gives it 100%.  This was a really tough season to keep their heads up.  Four out of the six schools in our region are in the top 10 in the state for 4A.  We have a really hard region.  I'm hoping that one day our school will be able to have a good program.  The other schools have 100 boys trying out for 30 spots.  We have 30 kids trying out and everyone makes it.  The other schools also play soccer year round and it's the only sport they focus on.  That makes it really hard to compete against.  But I was so proud of our boys and how hard they fought at every game.  Jesse did a great job of communicating with the seniors and valuing their input.  Chase has fought so hard to come back to sports after two torn ACL surgeries.  We didn't know if he'd every be able to play sports again.  We're so proud of his dedication.  We're so thankful that he was able to play basketball and soccer without any major injuries.  

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